Day In the Life of Megan

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Easter Weekend

I spent Easter weekend down at my sister's house in Bradford P.A. We had an amazing Easter meals and that afternoon we went on a little hike in Allegany National Park at a place called Rimrock. It was beautiful and it was such a warm day. What a great way to spend Easter weekend in the beautiful nature with your family.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


As a birthday gift my parents gave me a one hour massage at a local day spa and today I indulged myself with this amazing experience. Going into the whole experience I was a little hesitant because I was not sure what to expect, this being my first time. I met my massage therapist, Jennifer, and she made me feel very comfortable. For one hour, from the tips of my fingers all the way down to my toes, I was brought to a state for tranquility. There is no other feeling like it. I recommend one to you all. What an amazing birthday present it was. Thank you Mom and Dad!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Girls Nights

I was asked to start up a girl's Bible study group through our college ministry at church. This evening was our first get together. Seven girls showed up at my house and we had a great time getting to know each other and having fun girl talk. The study started at 7:00 and and it's now 11:45 and the girls are just leaving. Isn't it amazing how time can just fly when you put girls, food, and coffee in one room.

Monday, April 03, 2006

I've Joined In

Well, here I am, starting this whole blogging thing everyone has been bugging me to start. I must admit I do enjoy sitting down once in a while and reading up on the latest news of friends from Bethany or from people who I haven't heard from in awhile. So now it's your turn to read about my thoughts of the day or my latest news. Mind you it may not be that exciting.

Right now I'm juggling 3 jobs, and what a trying experience it has been. Three days a week I am working at my church in the Children's ministry department. I love it because the work is right up my alley preparing lessons and curriculum for the weekend services. On Saturday night I also have the privilege of teaching a kindergarten/1st grade class. I love it! When I'm not working at the church, the rest of my time is spent babysitting for two families. One of the families has three children, ages 6, 2, and 5 months. It's a handful but so much fun. The other family I babysit for is an Indian family. They practice Buddhism so it has been very interesting learning about their beliefs and it also has been an amazing experience telling them about what I believe. They are very interested in Christianity and ask a lot of question. It has been neat to see how God has been using me to plant seeds in this family's life. They have a 14 month baby girl named Keya and she is the sweetest thing. I love this little girl.

Besides work I have been busy with church events and trying to make plans for the Fall. I think I'm going back to school to get state certification but I don't know where I'm going. Its been a busy month of talking to schools, filling out applications, and praying for God's direction. In God's timing some doors will close and others will open. I'm excited to see where He is going to take me.