Day In the Life of Megan

Monday, May 29, 2006

Weekend in Pittsburgh

So what did you do for Memorial Day Weekend? Well I got in the car Friday afternoon with my Mother, we drove to Bradford Pennsylvania where we picked up my sister, Nicole and we all drove down to Pittsburgh to visit my totally cool Great Aunt Helen. It was a great weekend of fun and relaxation. All day Saturday we were down town shopping and eating. While we were down there we had a tour of Pittsburgh but this was not your average tour. It was called the "Ducky Tour." Oh yes, that's right! We got on a bus-looking-vehicle and we were toured around Pittsburgh, then the bus drove into the river and it turned into and boat. Yes that's right, our tour bus turned into a tour boat. It was a frightening but fun experience.
Overall I enjoyed our little get a way. It was nice to be with my sweet Aunt who spoils us like crazy, and I enjoyed being with Nicole. For the past 3 months she has been suffering through morning sickness with her pregnancy but God blessed her with 3 days of no sickness while be were on our trip. Nicole very much enjoyed herself. It was definitely a Memorial Day to remember.

Ducky tour on land.

Ducky tour in water.

Nicole and I relaxing after a long day of shopping.

Yum Yum Yum

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Its Been One Of Those Weeks

Have you ever had a day where it seems like nothing goes right? Well I'm having one of those weeks. One thing after another it seems like things are just not going my way. But what do you expect, that's life. We have our good days and we have our bad days. But you know what I've learned throughout this week?'s all about your attitude. It all depends on how we choose to handle each situation. If we dwell on the negative and feel sorry for ourselves, then of course our days will be long and gloomy. I choose to see the good! God promises to us that all things work together for the good of those who love Him. Although this week has been a rough ride God has allowed me to see it as a blessing because He reminded me that He is faithful. God's blessings, by far, out weigh my simple problems of today!


Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Aunt Megan

Yes, that's right. This Mother's Day we discovered the great news that my sister, Nicole is expecting. How excited we are! She is 3 months along and little baby Moore is due December 6th. What a blessing this is. You can call me Aunt Megan.